Summary, Preface, Introduction and References

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Summary and Preface
Tests performed with modern, automatically working weighing technologies of high precision
reveal the existence of a so-far unknown form of subtle matter with macroscopic mass and
energy. The new form of matter is non-visible and field-like, yet it can be absorbed by special
detectors and can be used, for example, for the generation of free energy at a technological
scale without the limits of globally restricted energy resources and without damage to the
environment or to climate. The new form of subtle matter also opens a door for the
understanding of life, consciousness, collective consciousness and evolution. Furthermore,
the detection of various quanta of subtle matter leads to the formulation of an extended
NEW PHYSICS in which present-day physics remains incorporated as a limiting, purely
materialistically oriented case. The subtle-matter extended NEW PHYSICS explains many
present-day physical anomalies and covers the following topics:

  • Extended space-time-physics: Explanation of a variety of gravitational anomalies, such as
    gravitational anomalies during solar eclipses; extended law of gravitation; explanation
    of the large error of Newton’s gravitational constant G; explanation of space-time
    curvature and of the mechanism of gravitation; explanation of dark energy and dark
    matter from bench scale tests as subtle-matter-fields with negative and positive signs;
  • Extended physics of elementary particles: Explanation of the formation of matter;
    prediction of the rest masses of elementary particles and of various natural constants;
    explanation of quantum paradoxa; mutual deduction of microscopic quantum mechanics
    and special theory of relativity from an extended model of elementary particles;
  • Extended physics of the solar system: Solar, lunar and global effects of subtle matter, i.e.
    acceleration anomalies of solar and global NASA spacecraft; global subtle matter grids;
  • Extended astrophysics: Realisation of a cosmic subtle-matter quantisation; explanation of
    the structures of planetary nebulae and their dynamic effects, such as bipolar jetstreams
    of young and old stars as well as of black holes or stellar galactic orbitals;
  • Extended cosmology: Realisation that the Universe is a black hole, and deduction of the
    1st and 2 axioms of Newton’s mechanics; proof of existence of Universes in parallel;
  • Extended chemistry: Subtle explanations of chemical orbitals and electrosmog;
  • Extended biology: Subtle explantation of the phenomena of life and consciousness;
    establishment of a macroscopic quantum mechanics; realisation of the superluminal
    astrological entanglement of all forms of life in a lively Universe;
  • Extended medicine: Proof of existence of the human non-visible, yet real subtle-matter
    field-body and causal explanation of complementary medicine, as well as of natural
    healing methods including homoeopathy; explanation of “activated water”; subtlematter
    extended sensory perception; explanation of near death experiences and of OBE
    as well as extended and higher states of consciousness; states of “life and death”
    explained; proof of existence of collective consciousness, its effects, and the possibility
    for its social harmonisation by generation of indvidual and worldwide collective peace;
  • Extended architecture: Explanation of global subtle-matter fields and their global grid as
    well as their effects on human beings in architecture;
  • Extended agriculture: Qualitative improvement of food, reduced damage of soil;
  • Extended understanding of evolution: Extension of “Darwin’s theory of evolution”;
  • Extended technologies and economics: Large scale recovery of free energy from subtlematter
    field-energy without damaging environment and world’s climate;
    The mentioned topics for an improved understanding of Nature result all from objectively
    reproducible weighing-tests, the experimentally found properties, and the theoretical
    description of subtle matter. The subtle-matter extension of physics in NEW PHYSICS opens
    the opportunity for the objective and subjective usage of the detected, omnipresent subtlematter
    fields. This offers solutions to a variety of present worldwide problems.

    1 Introduction and References
    Introduction: The reader of this book can follow up the exciting discovery of a sofar
    unknown form of “subtle matterand radiation”, an own category of non-visible
    matter, besides the well known kind of visible “gross matter and radiation”. It is
    omnipresent in the Universe, as systematic research in this kind matter reveals.
    The scientific method applied for the detection of this form of matter is based on
    weighing experiments and is thus very well established in modern science. The
    obtained results, however, exceed the limits of present-day physics and lead to the
    formulation of an extended physics, which shall be termed “NEW PHYSICS”.
    In the language of modern physics the detected subtle “field-like matter” is termed
    either as “dark energy” (being subtle matter with a negative sign) and “dark matter”
    (comprising subtle matter with a positive sign). In the language of psychology
    these forms of matter seem to be exponents of “consciousness”. You, as a reader
    of these lines, may be surprised in reading this. But all results of the presented
    research point in the direction that the origin of consciousness has been detected,
    a long-standing mystery of modern science has thus been resolved.
    A solid bridge has been established, to connect the materialistic world which has
    been objectively scrutinized by modern science in great detail (and has been
    technically applied worldwide) with the so-far secret realm of subjectivity, i.e.
    consciousness. Because modern science has revealed that dark energy and dark
    matter comprise together about 96 % of the universal mass, it becomes obvious
    that consciousness in the forms of dark energy and dark matter permeates the
    Universe. Consciousness not only permeates the Universe, it dominates furthermore
    its large scale structures. This is because, the mass of consciousness, i.e. of dark
    energy and dark matter, lead by its gravitational interactions on the one hand to
    the accelerated expansion of the Universe (as a result of 73 % of the dark energy
    content ranging through the Universe), and on the other hand, to the formation of
    galaxies within the Universe (as a consequence of about 23 % or dark matter within
    the Universe). Because it turns out, that normal matter, with a content of only
    about 4 % of universal mass, emerges from effects of subtle matter, we come to
    the surprising, but experimentally very well documented conclusion, that the Universe
    is dominated by effects of consciousness by 100 %, yielding a NEW REALITY
    of a “living Universe”.
    In modern physics dark matter and dark energy are searched for by physicists
    worldwide with highest priority (see, for example, CERN Courier 57 (2), 35-38, 2017,
    and 57 (3), 8, 2017). In doing this, however, two points are of major interest:
    First, dark matter, for example, is tried to be found by the application of modern
    particle accelerators, such as, for example, the “Large Hadron Collider” of CERN in
    Geneva. This is done on the assumption, that dark matter, for example, may have a
    particle-like structure and that it can be predicted by the so-called “Standard Model
    of Elementary Particles” (SMP). This is a purely speculative assumption, because
    it has turned out that the detected quanta of dark matter, i.e. of subtle matter, have
  • no such structure. Tests in NEW PHYSICS have shown repeatedly, that they are
    spatially extended, i.e. “field-like”, with macroscopic mass and possessing no (or a
    very weak) electromagnetic interaction as today expected. Their structure is opposite
    to the well known”point-like” particles of gross matter, which have microscopic
    mass and exhibiting usdually electromagnetic interaction. Thus quanta of field-like
    subtle matter, i.e. dark matter or dark energy, can, in principle, not be detected in
    CERNS’s Large Hadron Collider. Now, the reader may come to the conclusion that
    by research in subtle matter dark matter has already been detected, and that the
    problem is solved. Here, another point comes into play.
    Second, the present-day scientific community accepts the discovery of dark matter
    or dark energy only from scientists in established academic positions. Of course,
    this second condition is not publicly mentioned, but it is followed as a strict rule of
    behavior. But the described detection of dark matter in NEW PHYSICS has been
    presented twice, in 2002 and 2008, at international conferences of the University
    of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
    Thus, what is presented in this book as a significant extension of modern physics
    and science, will lead science and technology to a new understanding and application
    of Nature, and there is no other way for the author, as to present in the following
    the experimentally very well based and theoretically firmly deduced “NEW PHYSICS”
    for the benefit of mankind.
    Approaches for a new scientific understanding of Nature have been presented on
    the basis of phenomenological arguments by other authors, such as Rupert
    Sheldrake, or Erwin Laszlo, for example. On the one hand, the experimental results
    presented in this book give a so-far missing objectively reproducible causal and
    physical explanation to Rupert Sheldrake’s approach as formulated, for example, in
    his book “A New Science of Life: the hypothesis of formative causation”, 1981 (third
    edition 2009). On the other hand, the presented fundamentals of a NEW PHYSICS
    allow the explanation of a variety of present-day anomalies in physics, and yield
    predictions for further progress which can be tested objectively. In addition, several
    technological applications to generate free energy have been developed by creative
    researchers being based on the real energy content of the detected form of subtle
    matter. These technologies can be explained on the basis of the here presented NEW
    PHYSICS, and thus give credit to the proposed approach for an improved and extended
    understanding of Nature as a “NEW REALITY”.

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